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Eden Park High School

Student Leadership

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Student Leadership

At Orion Eden Park, we want to develop leaders of the future. We work with inspirational students that have strong opinions about the world, their community, and their school, and we want to provide opportunities for these voices to be heard so that they can shape their school experience.  

We focus upon four main areas in order to achieve this

Student Representation

Peer Support

Community Relations

External Enterprise and Competition.

In doing so we hold a whole host of regular and ‘one off’ initiatives that our students actively engage with- from the initial creation and vision to the promotion and management of.

Each year group is able to volunteer themselves to be a member of a Student Leadership Body. As students’ progress through their school careers, so will their roles and responsibilities within each of these groups, learning along the way to become proactive leaders, representing their peers and working alongside OEP staff.  

Alongside this we have begun to work with the SSAT (the School, Students and Teachers Network) to ensure all our Student Leaders become accredited for  their work, building, as they go, a portfolio of evidence that may be submitted for either the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.


Many of our programmes and events centre around building the students knowledge of and skills surrounding Citizenship.

Some previous events have included:

  • The Citizenship Foundations Magistrates Mock Trial Competition and Brexit Workshops
  • Bromley Youth Council
  • House of Parliament Debate Workshops
  • TFL Youth Travel Ambassadors Stars Programme
  • Collection for Bromley Foodbank
  • The Debating Matters and Pixl Debate Championships

We are constantly on the look out for new ventures. If you have something you think would be of interest for our students leaders feel free to get in touch.

OEP Students are welcome to join any of our projects at any time and are welcome to email the Student Leadership Team at any point to join our voice.