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Eden Park High School

Pastoral Care

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Ethos, Culture and Values 

We want all students and staff to feel a deep sense of belonging to Orion Eden Park. We aim for each of us to flourish, make excellent progress and succeed.    

Our staff place great value on getting to know the individual students in front of them and developing supportive and encouraging professional relationships. Our students are supported by their tutors who provide daily guidance, helping them to thrive both in and out of school. We believe in our students and in turn they have confidence in themselves. 

We use our values of integrity, endeavour and kindness to guide our actions and interactions. We think it’s important to recognise that primarily we are here to learn. This fits with our values in the following ways: 


  • We put learning first
  • We follow instructions first time
  • We do the right thing, even if no-one is looking 



  • We embrace challenging work 
  • We actively participate 
  • We try our best & are accepting of help 



  • We behave respectfully towards everyone 
  • We help others feel good about themselves 
  • We are proud of our school & take care of it