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Eden Park High School

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Gold Award

The Duke of Edinburgh Award was founded by Prince Phillip in 1956.  The award has been dedicated to the personal development of young people from all backgrounds and is the widest reaching programme of any UK youth charity with 275,000 young people (30,000 are from disadvantaged backgrounds) taking part every year.

This award is designed for sixth form and takes a minimum of 18 months to complete but only 12 months if a previous level has already been achieved.  Please note that spaces on the gold award are limited.

Gold Award Coordinator


  • Mr Humber
  • Mrs Roszkowski
  • Mr Boyce

For more information or to contact Miss Adams, email: Radams@eph.e21c.co.uk

Please click here to Register.  Once completed please send to Miss Adams.

Guide for Parents and Carers 


DofE is an online system that means you can record your DofE programme, activities and prove what you have done in many different ways.

To achieve the award, you need to prove what activities you've been doing, show how you've progressed and you've met the goals you set for each section.


  • Once you are 16 you can do your Gold DofE programme.  No activities can be counted for this before your 16th birthday.
  • You’ll spend 12 months on your Volunteering section.  For Physical and Skills you must spend 12 months on one and six months on the other - you decide which way around you do it.
  • Your expedition will be for four days and three nights (plus an acclimatisation day) and should take place in 'wild country'.
  • The big difference at Gold is you'll also do a Residential section - staying away from home for five days and four nights doing a shared activity with people you don't know.  It's great fun and a real chance to do something different!
  • If you’ve jumped straight into your Gold DofE programme you’ll need to do a further six months either volunteering or whichever one of your physical or skills activities you spent the most time on.
  • For Gold, you'll need to do your programme for at least 12 months if you've achieved your Silver Award, or 18 months if you've started at Gold level without doing your Silver - even if you've done Bronze. 


  • At EPH the practice expedition will occur at the end of year 12 and the final will occur at the end of year 13.



DofE website

The Rucksack

Food suggestions

Equipment list


Countryside code 

For any further information please email Miss Adams or use the DofE website link.