At Orion Eden Park, we believe that teaching and learning is at the centre of improving student’s outcomes. Our Five Principles of Teaching outline the fundamental aspects of a lesson that will help all students retain knowledge for long term.
These principles provide a common framework and language for teaching and learning. As learning is a change in long term memory, everything we do to further teaching and learning at OEP is geared to make knowledge and skills ‘stick’ in long term memory.
Our Teaching and Learning Vision
Inspirational teaching and learning is one of the most crucial levers in creating equitable opportunities for all students. In order to achieve this, classrooms will be a trusting environment where students and staff are proud of the learning that takes place. Students are partners in their learning journey and have a responsibility to create a positive and supportive climate for learning. Staff are committed to continual professional development through effective collaboration and are celebrated for their consistency and courage in trying new practices.
At OEP teaching and learning is at the centre of what we do in order to improve student’s outcomes and ultimately change their lives. We believe that outstanding teaching and learning is the principal driver in a successful school. This policy outlines our high expectations for what teaching and learning looks like at OEP.
the six part lesson structure
All lessons within the Orion Education Trust and at OEP are to follow these expectations.
All lessons start with a short Recall of Existing Knowledge (REK) task get students thinking and recalling facts or methods which are pertinent to the lesson.
The task is completed in silence and students are to correct and annotate their work in green pen.
The teacher shares the title of the lesson, where it sits within the unit of work, the ‘Big Idea’ the lesson is addressing and the ‘why’ of the lesson topic.
The lesson intentions, also known as end points, which are short and specific are shared with students.
‘I Do’ is specific and planned modelling where the teacher is the expert and students are listening.
The teacher uses economy of language to ensure their explanations are succinct and direct to minimise cognitive load.
‘We Do’ is when students get to be able to try out that they have just been taught.
This phase is used to assess student’s learning and inform who may need more support and who is ready to move onto deliberate practice.
Teachers circulate the classroom to help gather evidence in assessing student’s learning.
Teachers use this part of the lesson to scaffold for students who need support and stretch the more able.
‘You Do’ phase is the part of the lesson that students deliberately practice. Students complete this work in silence to remove distractions and allow them to embed the learning into their long-term memory.
Teachers circulate the classroom to facilitate ‘live marking’ through which they gather evidence of students’ learning.
Misconceptions are addressed immediately in the moment either individually or through whole class feedback.
Where possible, students are to correct their work and annotate any misconceptions using green pen at the end of this phase.
At the end of the lesson, students complete a short quiz or question. Teachers use this information to gauge how well content has been learned and this informs their planning for the next lesson.