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Eden Park High School

Home Learning at EPHS

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Home Learning at EPHS


Home learning at Eden Park will have a positive impact on student progress, developing retention of knowledge over time for years 7 to 13. When students learn the foundational knowledge in year 7, students are able to access the curriculum as they move through schooling years. Home learning is to ensure that student’s build their own capacity for independent learning needed for their assessments, GCSE exams and develop academic habits. 


Research shows that: 

  1. Home learning has a positive impact on average (+5 months), particularly with pupils in secondary schools. 
  2. Home learning that is linked to classroom work tends to be more effective.  

(Research by The Education Endowment Foundation, 2021) 


Using this research, any home learning set at Eden Park High School will relate directly to what our students are studying in lessons and will ensure that they make progress and achieve excellence.  Many subjects build on knowledge over time, so the foundations are set in year 7 and then this builds in complexity until they reach year 11. For example, in science you learn about cell structure in year 7, this builds to cell cycles in year 9 and specialised cells in year 11. 


Expectations of Home Learning at EPHS  

  • Planned purposefully into Medium Term Plans  
  • Tasks are linked to learning in lessons 
  • Differentiated to match the needs of all our learners and accessible to all students
  • Work that requires a device can be completed in Home Learning club or during lunch time for those who do not have access to a device at home
  • Feedback is provided either through self/peer/teacher marking or whole class feedback and evidenced in assessments scores
  • The use of Arbor to show the schedule of tasks for home learning
  • Submitted through the subject online portals or handed in physically to teacher (not uploaded onto Arbor)
  • Parents will hold their child accountable to meet the home learning deadlines


Home Learning Clubs 

This club will run from Tuesday to Thursday between 15.10 to 16.00. It will be supervised by a teacher and parents need to request their child is added to the register for them to attend.  There are also Home Learning enrichment clubs if students wish to choose this as an option.


KS5 Home Learning

At this stage students should take ownership of their own learning and are expected to complete wider reading which will be checked frequently by their teachers. Further to this, students should complete 6 hours of homework per week per subject as set via Teams by their teachers.


Home Learning Schedule 



Advised (Approximate) Hours Per Week 

Year 7-9 

2-3 hours per week  

Year 10 Year 11 

4-6 hours per week  

Year 12 Year 13

6 hours per subject 

*Per week includes a weekend 


Setting of Home Learning  

All home learning is set in lessons by either subject teachers or key stage leads.

In Key Stages 3 and 4, parents are notified of home learning through the Arbor Parent app or through online portals. 


The below table outlines a 2-week programme of homework at KS3.  In KS4 it is a weekly timetable where students will have more deliberate study for their GCSEs.


Home Learning Rota 








Year 7 

Week 1 






Options A 

Week 2 






Options B 

Year 8 

Week 1 






Options A

Week 2 






Options B 

Year 9 

Week 1 






Options A

Week 2 






Options B 

Year 10 





Options A 



Options B 



Options A KS4 

Options B KS4 

Options A 




Health and Social Care 





Computer Science 


Fine Art 

Options B 

Computer Science 

GCSE Music 


Creative iMedia 

Music BTEC 







Religious Studies 



The details about the types of tasks and use of online portals for each subject are outlined below.


Home Learning at EPHS



Tasks are not uploaded on Arbor as Sparx emails parents directly.


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Home learning tasks on Sparx are used to consolidate classwork, develop problem solving skills and improve long-term memory by testing student’s retrieval of existing knowledge.

Description of Tasks Set:  

Tasks are on set on Sparx for all year groups. Tasks will be a range of 30 to 60 min set every week. Students are to aim for 100% completion as homework is personalised and responds to their progress throughout the tasks.

Online Portal Information:  


Students can login using their school email address and password.

Class teachers should be emailed if students would like to reset their password.

Parent information: https://support.sparx.co.uk/v1/docs/en/sparx-math-homework-for-parents 


Feedback Strategy: 

Class teachers will be using the Insights function on Sparx to improve on questions and skills that they found difficult. Teachers will also use the ‘Follow up 5’ function on Sparx that creates questions based on the class’s performance that week which will be including in the REK task the day before the homework is due.


Extra Support: 

Every Tuesday to Thursday Sparx lunchtime support is held in F12. Students sign up via the class teachers in advance.  
Students can also use this website for further maths practice: https://corbettmaths.com/contents/ 



Purpose for Home Learning: 


Bedrock Learning is a digital literacy improvement curriculum designed for learners aged 6 to 16, perfect for study at home. By focusing on vocabulary, grammar and subject-specific terminology, Bedrock equips learners with the language and literacy knowledge they need to boost their educational outcomes. 


The purpose of home learning in KS4 is for the students to apply analytical skills practiced in class. Some may revolve around planning essays and writing thesis statements to strengthen arguments. Other tasks may revolve around revision of content and bettering the understanding of texts studied.  


Description of Tasks Set:  


Bedrock is a tailored programme which means that the tasks set differ from student to student based on an initial assessment. This will be different types of literature and different grammar activities.  



These tasks will vary as mentioned above; however, they should take roughly 30-45 minutes to complete to the standard we would expect. 


Online Portal Information:  


Ms Koca oversees Bedrock including all issues and log ins for every class. 
Class teachers will assess their own classes information and reports.  


Feedback Strategy: 


Bedrock sends out a report of all classes including attainment. Class teachers will use this to plan lessons to address student gaps and praise students for their work.  


Home learning for KS4 is compiled into folders that are kept in class with books. These are checked when submitted by teachers and are for the student’s reflection and revision. For Y11 home learning will become revision based in HT5, focussed of specific questions that will feedback into the next lesson.  


Extra Support: 

Mr Bruff  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM2vdqz-7e4HAuzhpFuRY8w



Purpose for Home Learning: 

Science home learning will provide students with frequent testing using quizzes which will strengthen their retention of knowledge long term. As Science has a large amount of knowledge, it is crucial that students are constantly revisiting past learning to consolidate the curriculum in biology, chemistry and physics.


Description of Tasks Set:  


(Year 7 – 9) Educake recall quizzes.  Research shows frequent low-stakes quizzes and retrieval practice helps to embed long term memories.  This will provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge, so they successfully access higher order questions and application of knowledge in end of topic and end of year exams, ultimately building their momentum to start their GCSE’s.


Year 10 will be provided with End of Chapter test each week to complete and self-assess.  This will encourage students to re-visit topics previously taught, ensuring students cycle back and retrieve core knowledge.  The provision of exam questions will build their exam technique and offer the opportunity to practice applying their knowledge to new and unfamiliar concepts.  It is important students self-assess these so they remain low stakes but also so they get exposure and access to mark schemes and start to develop knowledge of what will be credited and will not. Finally this allows students to see where they lost marks so if they have any knowledge gaps, they are identified immediately so they can direct their revision effectively.


This will be set on Arbor weekly and their lead teacher will check it is complete each week.

Online Portal Information:  

 Educake | Hassle-free homework
Email dhu@eph.e21c.co.uk if you need a password re-set.


Feedback Strategy: 

Tasks will be marked online electronically and checked weekly by their lead teacher. Teachers will use the data from Educake and identify gaps in knowledge to be retaught in lessons.


Extra Support: 
Home - BBC Bitesize

PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations (colorado.edu)

YouTube: Free Science Lessons: youtube.com/channel/UCqbOeHaAUXw9Il7sBVG3_bw

Specification: Edexcel GCSE Sciences (2016) | Pearson qualifications



Purpose for Home Learning: 

Home learning allows students to delve deeply into historical topics, events, and figures at their own pace. They can spend more time on areas of particular interest or importance, leading to a deeper understanding of historical contexts and their significance. Through home learning, students can engage in critical analysis of historical sources, primary documents, and conflicting interpretations. They have the opportunity to develop their skills in evaluating evidence, identifying bias, and forming well-supported arguments about the past. 


Description of Tasks Set:  

Students will be set a variety of tasks depending on their stage in history. Some activities are research based, creative tasks, revision and longer written answers. Students will be asked to complete one 30-minute task every two weeks at KS3 and one 30-minute task every week at KS4.  

Online Portal Information:  

History occasionally use Padlet as an online portal, access links will be on Arbor.  


Padlet links for KS4 

Paper 1: Medicine in Britain https://padlet.com/crodgerson/paper-1-medicine-in-britain-c1250-present-and-the-british-se-u0mm2whn7tj8lsto 

Paper 2: Early Elizabethan England- https://padlet.com/crodgerson/paper-2-early-elizabethan-england-1558-88-rp2q1tptk3lmv9cn and Superpower Relations https://padlet.com/crodgerson/hfa8sllu8iroz03v 

Paper 3: USA conflict at home and abroad https://padlet.com/crodgerson/2fsxmnlpfocsggvp 


Feedback Strategy: 

Students will be expected to hand in home learning during lesson time in which the classroom teacher will check for completion and quality. Students will be asked to stick their work in their books.


Extra Support: 
Any additional websites will be given to students to support the specific home learning that has been set.   



Purpose for Home Learning: 

Home learning in geography allows students to consolidate and deepen their understanding of key knowledge, themes and skills that are covered in the classroom. This independent practice builds valuable independence and resilience within students and better prepares them for success as they progress through secondary school.


Description of Tasks Set:  


Each year group will be provided with a home learning resource at the start of each half-term. This resource will contain four home learning activities that are connected to the topics being studied in class. Over the half term, teachers will set one of these tasks as home learning every other week. By the end of a half-term, students will have a completed home learning resource. The development of these resources will be led by a geography teacher and will contain a range of different activities, aimed at building key geographic knowledge and skills. 


Teachers will set home learning weekly for their classes. This will alternate between knowledge consolidation or exam practice, and revision from provided revision workbooks. 


Feedback Strategy: 

For KS3, home learning will be checked by classroom teachers in the weeks where home learning has not been set. All home learning for all key stages will be self-marked at the start of geography lessons. 


Extra Support: 
Any additional websites and resources will be given to students to support the specific home learning that has been set.   

French and Spanish


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Home learning tasks in MFL are used to develop the skills of rote learning and build effective revision techniques as students cannot succeed in MFL without a solid foundation of vocabulary.


Description of Tasks Set:  


Vocabulary tests with 8-12 words and/or phrases set. Tests are carried out at the start of the lesson it is due.  


A combination of vocabulary tests and ActiveLearn tasks.

Online Portal Information:  

KS4 Only

ActiveLearn (pearsonactivelearn.com) 

All student passwords are Active2024.

Students are to email their class teacher if they have difficulty accessing the portal.  


Feedback Strategy: 

Students will peer mark vocabulary tests in lessons and will be provided with immediate feedback. Postcards and emails will be sent home for students consistently achieving excellent scores or demonstrating improvements in their scores. 

Computer Science


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Tasks are used to reinforce concepts and practice skills such as programming. Tasks will be used to help students retain knowledge, develop study habits and prepare students for their exams. 


Description of Tasks Set:  

Programming projects will be given to students to enable them to learn Python Programming Language from basic to advanced.  KS3 students to spend 30 mins and KS4 60 min a week on tasks.  

All task set will focus on three major areas: 

  1. Retrieval of learning - reinforce learning acquired in previous lessons.
  2. Practical tasks – various projects on Turing Lab to practice different programming concepts. 
  3. Research- study related technology case studies


Online Portal Information:  

Some home learning tasks will be set on a portal called Turing Lab.

Revision tasks set will allow students to revise on the topics taught in class using this website:  

Free Homework & Revision for A Level, GCSE, KS3 & KS2 (senecalearning.com)  
KS4 students to revise on various GCSE topics using this website:

Home - CSUK:ReviseCS

Log in details for Turning Lab uses student school logins details.

To reset passwords, students will need to email their computer science teacher.


Feedback Strategy: 

Feedback on tasks will be completed through whole class feedback or peer marking. Work completed online will be marked automatically by the system.   

Extra Support: 
Welcome to Craig 'n' Dave (youtube.com) 

GCSE Computer Science - BBC Bitesize 



Purpose for Home Learning: 

Tasks will be used to develop key word knowledge and accurate application through listening and performance skills. For KS4 students, tasks will be focused on supporting progress with coursework.


Description of Tasks Set:  

Tasks will include a variety of formats such as listening and performance. Revision tasks will include past papers with coursework tasks focused on preparation of resources for composition including write ups. 


Feedback Strategy: 

All revision and listening tasks will be peer marked in lessons. When a task corresponds to supporting coursework development, these will be discussed with individual feedback with the teacher and student.


Extra Support: 




Drama and Dance


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Due to the nature of the courses within Performing Arts, tasks will be a range from coursework completion, rehearsals and exam content revision. Tasks will often align with the current component being covered in the course, helping students to prepare effectively and perform well in examinations, performances, and coursework.


Description of Tasks Set: 

The two online platforms used for Drama - Digital Theatre Plus, Drama Online Library  

For coursework completion – Microsoft Teams: Class Notebook 

  • Tasks set for home learning in Drama and Dance will vary, depending on the current component of the course being completed. This could range between rehearsals, research, course work and exam practise. 
  • At KS4, students should be spending an hour to complete any homework task.


Online Portal Information:  

Microsoft Teams is used and is accessed by the student’s school login.

Digital Theatre Plus & Drama Online Library have one access log in for students so this will be shared when students start the course.  


Feedback Strategy: 

Feedback for home learning will vary depending on the task set. 

For exam practice tasks, this will be a mixture between peer marking and teacher marking

For rehearsal tasks, this will be feedback live in class as students are working.  

For coursework tasks, individual feedback will be given on Microsoft Teams.  

Creative Arts


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Home learning tasks help students to build their research and independent learning skills. In Creative Arts, consistent practice is key to improvement as the courses are continually assessed. Tasks often require a high level of attention and detail which can help students develop a meticulous approach to their academic work.


Description of Tasks Set:  

Tasks will often be project based but will also use online portals such as Skillsshare, Udemy and Coursera which offer a range of classes on various techniques and design principles.


Feedback Strategy: 

Students will be given feedback on their tasks through peer assessment in lesson to help students familiarise themselves with the assessment criteria’s or teacher assessment that helps set targets for progress. 

Religious Studies


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Home learning in religious studies allows students to strengthen and reinforce their understanding of key knowledge, themes and skills that are covered in the classroom. Eventually this will support students with their progression into GCSE RS.  


Description of Tasks Set:  


Students will be set tasks to consolidate their understanding of the topic taught, this may include short quizzes, short activities where they may need to answer questions. They may also be asked to research further on topics we have looked at in lesson.


Students will be expected to complete exam style questions to solidify their subject knowledge and exam skills.  


Feedback Strategy: 


Students will either have their work marked by their teacher or may complete self or peer marking on tasks that are in the form of quizzes. 


Students will receive in-depth and personalised feedback, giving them support in redrafting and making progress within GCSE RS.


Extra Support: 

AQA | GCSE | Religious Studies A | Assessment resources 

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zjgx47h -BBC Bitesize 

(3) Ben Wardle - YouTube- Walk and talk through topics and assessment  


Core PE – KS3 Only


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Home learning in PE allows students to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge in a practical subject. Throughout CORE PE lessons students will study a range of GCSE PE topics through this use of key terms. Tasks at the end of each topic allows students to demonstrate their understanding through simple knowledge recall tasks.  

Year group booklets are designed to allow students to underpin knowledge which not only benefits them through their physical education pathways but through their lifelong participation in healthy active lifestyles.  


Description of Tasks Set:  

Students will be provided with home learning booklet at the end of each activity that will include defining key terms and applying knowledge. These booklets will be uploaded on Arbor on either week three or four of the half term. To allow all students the same opportunity to flourish in PE, students can also collect paper copies from their class teacher.  Tasks will vary in length with each cycle taking students no more than 30 minutes to complete.  

Feedback Strategy: 

Excellent pieces of homework will be celebrated in curriculum time, as well as students receiving a shoutout from the PE weekly rewards system.  


Extra Support:  
Student can use BBC-Bitesize to support them with their PE home learning.   

GCSE PE – KS4 Only


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Tasks are used to embed learning taught in lessons, develop exam techniques such as knowledge of command words and encourages students to work at exam pace due to timed activities.


Description of Tasks Set:  

Tasks will most often be set on a portal called Everlearner. Tasks will including watching lessons, checkpoint tests and writing essays. Tasks are various lengths ranging from 30 to 60 minutes.   

Online Portal Information:  

Everlearner Portal:  https://theeverlearner.com/  

Click ‘forgot password’ or speak to subject teacher  if you need help accessing the portal.


Feedback Strategy: 

Students will receive instant feedback when completing tasks on Everlearner. Teachers receives feedback on completion and success rate and this information will support future planning to address misconceptions in lessons.


Extra Support: 



Media Studies – KS4 Only


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Tasks will help students to further develop ‘media language’ and embed different media theories to their long-term memory. Students will build their confidence through detailed quizzes that match topics studied in class ultimately improving their exam progress.


Description of Tasks Set:  

Tasks for media will be set on the portal Seneca Learning. The online platform provides accurate revision added by the subject’s exam board, EDUQAS. All Seneca tasks will be posted on Arbor weekly with topics covering both written papers of Media Studies.  Any other home learning tasks will relate to coursework completion. 


Online Portal Information:  

Student portal: https://app.senecalearning.com/dashboard/courses/add?Price=Free 
The teacher can reset the password for the student easily and then a notification will be sent to the student’s school email so they can access.

All parents/guardians of Media Studies students have been invited to sync with the Seneca platform so they can see their child’s progress. 


Feedback Strategy: 

Data on Seneca will be analysed so that weaknesses in different topics can be targeted in class. Data will be shown in class to boost confidence in students regarding their topical knowledge and be used to track home learning completion. 


Extra Support: 
Plenty of past papers and exemplar answers can be found on the EDUQAS website: 


Business Studies – KS4 Only


Purpose for Home Learning: 

Tasks serve as an indispensable component of the business curriculum, designed to foster enhanced learning outcomes, academic achievement, and the cultivation of vital study skills essential for students' future endeavours. Home learning within the realm of Business Education serves as a multifaceted tool, not only for academic reinforcement but also for the holistic development of students' intellectual capabilities and lifelong learning skills. 


Description of Tasks Set:

These tasks may include case study analyses, research assignments, problem-solving exercises, reflective journal entries, and preparation for class discussions or assessments. Home learning assignments will be distributed via digital platforms such as Seneca or provided as structured instructional materials through Arbor, ensuring accessibility and ease of submission. Tasks will include online learning activities, research tasks, essay writing and exam-style questions.


Online Portal Information:  

Free Homework & Revision for A Level, GCSE, KS3 & KS2 (senecalearning.com) 


Feedback Strategy: 

Automated assessments via Seneca streamline the grading process, allowing teachers to focus on delivering personalised feedback during live marking sessions in class and exam practice sessions. We also incorporate peer marking exercises, enabling students to engage with each other's work and provide valuable feedback, thereby enhancing collaborative learning and fostering a deeper understanding of course materials. 


Extra Support: 

  1. Revision Notes, Past Papers & Topic Questions | Save My Exams- Teaching and Learning Support for A-Level, GCSE, BTEC and T-Levels | tutor2u-   
  2. Revision Notes, Past Papers & Topic Questions | Save My Exams
  3. BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/z98snbk
  4. Business: Edexcel GCSE (senecalearning.com)
  5. Teaching and Learning Resources | Two Teachers Business | United Kingdom