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Eden Park High School


Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Advice on how to help your child if they see something upsetting online:

UK Safer Internet Centre - Advice for ParentsChildnet - Parents resources

ONLINE gaming

We understand that online gaming can be very compelling but it also presents risks to young people.    

The rise of video games and online gaming has been huge, with millions of active online players and 2.4 billion more casual mobile gamers. This medium has become a hotbed for cybercrime and cyber-attacks. 

There are some eye-opening facts and statistics about online gaming privacy. For example, did you know that around 77 million accounts on the PlayStation Network were hacked in 2011? and in 2014 as many as 70% of South Korea’s population (aged between 15 and 65) had their data stolen in some form – in part due to online gaming? 

The most common forms of cyberattacks that online gamers are at risk of, including gaming malware, in-game ransomware, keyloggers (password stealers), so-called ‘power-up’ scams, and phishing campaigns are all designed to steal personal data including banking and financial details. 

For advice on staying safe whilst gaming online, visit one of the following websites: 



useful Links

A helpful guide for keeping children safe:


A useful article  regarding sharing content online:

Growing up shared: negotiating the risks and opportunities of ‘sharenting’

Useful Safeguarding videos:








Parental Controls