We believe that outstanding learning and progress can only take place in conjunction with outstanding attendance and punctuality. Research has shown that poor attendance impacts negatively on attainment. Helping to create a pattern of regular attendance is everybody’s responsibility; parents/carers, students and staff. Our aims are to ensure that all students can achieve 100% attendance.
Improving attendance is everyone’s responsibility. The barriers to accessing education can be wide ranging and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual students and families. The foundation of securing good attendance is that school is a calm, orderly, safe, and supportive environment where all students want to be and are keen and ready to learn.
Attendance is also a safeguarding matter. Poor attendance may be an indicator that a student’s welfare is at risk, making them vulnerable. It is only when students are routinely in school that schools can best meet their needs.
What do I do if your child is ill?
Please email or call the main school office, selecting Option 1, before 8.00am. Please ensure that you state your child’s full name, year group, tutor group and reason for absence, including as much detail as possible.
You can read more about our approaches to attendance in our Attendance Guide for Parents and our Attendance Policy.