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Eden Park High School


Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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What is PSHE?

PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education. It’s a curriculum subject in schools across the UK that aims to support students in developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to lead healthy, safe, and productive lives. The Department for Education said "evidence shows that PSHE education can improve the physical and psychosocial wellbeing of pupilsPupils with better health and wellbeing achieve better academically.

PSHE at orion eden park

At Eden Park we provide a focused and sequenced curriculum that supports students in developing the knowledge and skills they need across KS3-5 to deal with critical issues they face now such as emotional wellbeing and to prepare pupils to make informed decisions about the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities they will face in the future.  we ensure statutory government guidance around Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is fully integrated into the curriculum and that staff are equipped to deliver strong and purposeful RSE lessons. We create a safe, positive, and inclusive environment where pupils can discuss sensitive and sometimes daunting topics and have complex discussions around critical issues. The Department for Education said "evidence shows that PSHE education can improve the physical and psychosocial wellbeing of pupils. Pupils with better health and wellbeing achieve better academically.

PSHE big ideas - KS3, KS4 and KS5

Respectful Communities  

Respectful Communities are safe environments where each person in the community is respected as a unique and contributing member. These are cohesive communities where people can tackle problems, provide mutual support and work together for a positive future free from discrimination, prejudice, or intolerance. This might be local, national, or international communities. 

Careers and Ambition 

Developing important interpersonal, enterprise and study skills to thrive in education and the workplace, to prepare for important events like GCSE options, work experience and application processes for post-16 and university and assess different career pathways and employment rights and responsibilities. 

Healthy Relationships 

Healthy relationships are relationships that are respectful, stable, healthy, and joyful. There are a variety of different types of relationships including romantic, friendships, and relationships with family. Managing conflict, identifying unhealthy behaviours, understanding how to seek support for abuse, and judging readiness for intimacy are important aspects of forming healthy and stable relationships. Understanding sexual health, the meaning of consent, and methods of contraception will also be important aspects of developing healthy relationships and preparing for sexual activity. 

Online Safety 

Being aware of online dangers like grooming, cyberbullying, sharing indecent imagery, social media, extremism, and developing strategies we can use to stay safe online, challenge online hate, build digital resilience and maintain a positive online presence. 

Health and Wellbeing 

Focuses on the importance of our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. This includes understanding changes in our physical and mental health that can occur with puberty and the potential impacts, how to deal with challenges to our mental health, taking responsibility for our physical health and knowing potential dangers to health like vaping, alcohol, and drugs and how to protect your health. 

Risk and Safety 

Risk and safety is about understanding potential risks and understanding how to protect yourself and remain safe. Potential risks cover road traffic, drugs, alcohol, vaping, peer pressure and involvement in gangs. Understanding how to make positive financial decisions for the future, through assessing potential financial risks, what makes products good value for money, the benefits of savings accounts and understanding how to effectively budget. 



Subject Area: 


Term 1- Autumn 

Living in the Wider World 

Term 2 – Spring 

Relationships and Sex Education 

Term 3 – Summer 

Health and Wellbeing 

Year 7 

  • What is a community and how can we value each other? 
  • How can we effectively resolve conflict and maintain positive communication? 
  • What is a career? 
  • What are my goals and aspirations for the future? 
  • How can we prevent online bullying? 
  • How do we manage risky situations or emergencies?  
  • How can I manage money and make positive financial choices? 
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of parents and carers in families? 
  • Why is love and commitment important for stable, long-term relationships? 
  • What is a healthy relationship? 
  • How can we manage the breakdown of relationships? Including divorce and separation. 
  • Introduction to online grooming - Breck's story 
  • How can I deal with peer pressure and make good choices? 
  • What is emotional wellbeing? 
  • How can I make healthy lifestyle choices? (living and eating) 
  • What do I need to know about the menstrual cycle? 
  • What is body confidence and why is it important? 
  • What are the dangers of vaping? 

Year 8 

  • How can we challenge stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice? 
  • How can we challenge gender stereotypes in the workplace? 
  • What are important employability skills? 
  • What is a digital footprint? 
  • How to be kind online? 
  • How can you manage pressure to join gangs including exit strategies? 
  • What financial risks might I encounter? 
  • What do healthy vs. unhealthy relationships look like? 
  • How has the media impacted expectations of relationships? 
  • What do I need to know about sexual consent and the law? 
  • What do I need to know about biological sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation? 
  • What is forced marriage? 
  • Sexting and image sharing. 
  • How can I maintain positive emotional wellbeing? 
  • What are the physical emotional changes of puberty? Including personal hygiene 
  • What is FGM? 
  • What are the risks of alcohol to health? 
  • What are the risks and influences on substance use? - vaping, caffeine, tobacco 

Year 9 

  • Why are British values and human rights important? 
  • How does parliamentary democracy work? 
  • How does voting, elections and political parties work? 
  • How can we identify and combat cyberbullying and online hate? 
  • What is the role of police in the justice system? 
  • What are different career pathways? 
  • How can I effectively manage money? 
  • How can I display healthy behaviours in a relationship and recognise abusive behaviours? 
  • How can we judge for intimacy with romantic partners? Recap of consent 
  • What do I need to know about sexual heath?  
  • What are the main methods of contraception? 
  • What are the dangers of forming relationships online? - online grooming and predators. 
  • What are the dangers of pornography? 
  • How can I deal with stress and manage emotions? 
  • How can we get support for mental health and build resilience? 
  • How can we show responsibility for our physical health? 
  • What are the different types of drugs and risks associated? 
  • What is an addiction? 

KS3 Relationships and Sex Education lessons :

Y7 Relationships and Sex Education lessons

Y8 Relationships and Sex Education lessons
Y9 Relationships and Sex Education lessons



Subject Area: 

PSHE KS4 Drop Down days 

Half Term 1 – Respectful Communities 

Half Term 2 – Careers and Ambition 

Half Term 3 – Relationships and Sex Education 

Half Term 4 – Online Safety 

Half Term 5 – Health and Wellbeing 

Half Term 6 – Risk and Safety 

Year 10 

  • Challenging discrimination. 
  • Understanding LGBTQ+ and challenging transphobia and homophobia.                           
  • Understanding what constitutes a hate crime and the impact of the Equality Act.                                                             
  • Encouraging DEI? 
  • College speaker  
  • Introduction to work experience and procedures. 
  • Creation of a CV and cover letter. 
  • How to find placements for work experience. 
  • Building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships. 
  • Managing conflict and the breakdown of relationships. 
  • Laws around manipulation, coercion and capacity to consent in relationships. 
  • Assessing readiness for intimacy 


  • Being aware of potential dangers of the internet. 
  • Understanding the implications of a digital footprint 
  • Protecting information online. 
  • Being kind online – use of language and preventing cyberbullying.  
  • Dangers of forming and maintaining online relationships. 
  • Misinformation and disinformation. 
  • Seeking support for poor mental health 
  • Challenging stereotypes and misinformation around mental health. 
  • Managing and reframing negative thoughts. 
  • Implications of drug use. 
  • Understanding how to effectively budget – rent, bills, managing income. 
  • Being financially prepared for the future – payslips, taxes, bank accounts. 
  • Knife crime and dangers of carrying a weapon. 
  • Being aware of radicalisation and extremism. 

Year 11 

  • Challenging discrimination. 
  • Understanding what constitutes a hate crime and the impact of the Equality Act.     
  • Understanding LGBTQ+ and challenging transphobia and homophobia.      
  • Radicalisation and extremism.                                                            
  • Choosing pathways 
  • Future careers 
  • Post 16-options and processes for applications 
  • Difference between love and lust in relationships. 
  • Sexual Health – Contraception and STIs. 
  • What affects fertility and what are the different routes to parenthood? 
  • Being aware of potential dangers of the internet. 
  • Understanding the implications of a digital footprint 
  • Protecting information online. 
  • Being kind online – use of language and preventing cyberbullying.  




 Year 10 RSE lessons .pdf

Year 11 RSE lessons.pdf




Subject Area: 


Respectful Communities 

Careers and Ambition 

Relationships and Sex Education 

Online Safety 

Health and Wellbeing 

Risk and Safety 

Year 12 & 13 Two Year curriculum 

  • Transition and values. 
  • Recognising and challenging stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. 
  • Radicalisation and extremism including the far-right. 
  • Celebrating diversity in identity, culture and other characteristics. 
  • Promoting equity and inclusion. 
  • Important of national and international institutions for maintaining peace and respectful communities. 
  • Employment and enterprise skills. 
  • Setting realistic yet ambitious career and life goals matched to personal values, interests, strengths and skills. 
  • Evaluating ‘next step’ options such as higher education, further training or apprenticeships, and gap year opportunities. 
  • Implications of the labour market and global market. 
  • Employment rights and responsibilities 
  • Identifying and evidencing strengths and skills when applying and interviewing for future roles and universities. 
  • Creation of CV’s and prepare effectively for interviews. 
  • Importance of professional conduct in the workplace.  
  • Boundaries around professional relationships. 
  • Workplace confidentiality and security including cyber-security and data protection. 
  • Trade unions 
  • Relationship values 
  • Developing and maintaining healthy, pleasurable relationships. 
  • Emotional intimacy 
  • Difference between ‘love’ and ‘lust’  
  • Conflict resolution and negotiation. 
  • Ending of relationships safely and respectfully. 
  • Moral and legal responsibilities of seeking consent and the right to withdraw consent. 
  • The emotional, physical, social and legal consequences of failing to gain consent. 
  • Exit strategies for unhealthy relationships. 
  • Forced marriage and ‘honour’ based violence. 
  • Recognising and seeking help for sexual abuse, exploitation, assault or rape. 
  • Forms of contraception. 
  • Taking responsibility for sexual health and accessing diagnosis and treatment.  
  • Managing online relationships safely. 
  • Cyberbullying and online hate – recognising and challenging it. 
  • Recognising bias, propaganda and disinformation online. 
  • Personal privacy and to manage online safety in all its forms. 
  • Effectively challenge online content that is inappropriate. 
  • Maintaining a positive professional online presence. 
  • Knowing how social media can expand, limit or distort perspectives. 
  • Challenging extremism online i.e. antisemitism, anti-immigrant sentiment. 
  • Recognise signs of change in mental health and wellbeing 
  • Building and maintaining positive mental health, including managing stress and anxiety. 
  • Recognising common mental health issues and support available. 
  • Taking responsibility for monitoring personal health including sun safety, breast awareness and self-examination, testicular self-examination and cervical screening. 
  • Registering and accessing health services. 
  • Recognising illnesses that affect young adults, such as meningitis and ‘freshers’ flu’ 
  • Maintaining a healthy diet, especially on a budget. 
  • Maintaining a work-life balance 
  • Alcohol and drug use: affects on decision making and personal safety, and long term health. 
  • Assessing and managing risk and personal safety. 
  • To know how to perform first aid and when to summon emergency services. 
  • Strategies to de-escalate and exit aggressive social situations. 
  • Dangers and consequences of being involved in gangs, serious organised crime or carrying a weapon. 
  • Planning expenditure and budget for moving out or going to university. 
  • Salary deductions including taxation, national insurance and pensions. 
  • Banking and savings options. 
  • Understanding mortages. 
  • Financial risks, including debt and repayment implications.