Subject intent
At Eden Park High School, it is our belief that Physical Education is a vital ingredient in supporting our students physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. The purpose of our PE curriculum and enrichment programme is to provide students with high quality teaching and learning, which allows students to master specialist knowledge, gain an understanding of character development which inspires students to engage in a lifelong love of being active and healthy lifestyles.
Students at Eden Park High will be exposed to a wide variety of sporting activities, enabling all students to find an area to flourish. They will develop transferable skills across the activities which will aid our students in high performance. Through Physical Education, we want our students to experience the benefits of physical activity as well as embedding positive social and mental wellbeing through participation in physical activity. We believe it is important to use sport as a tool to raise self-esteem and build resilience in each individual, leading to students being inspired, engaged and enthusiastic about the subject and academics as a whole.
At KS3 students are taught in mixed gender classes with all students learning the fundamental skills and techniques which underpin high sports performance across a range of sporting contexts. Both within lessons and the extensive enrichment programme students will have the opportunity to develop in invasion and net/wall games, dance, athletics, gymnastics and health related exercise where students have access to our fully equipped gym which has a range of cardiovascular and weight machines. Alongside developing technical proficiency, we aim to develop students' creativity, awareness, resilience, decision making and self-organisation.
At KS4 students get the opportunity to embed themselves into the subject at a deeper level which enables them to demonstrate a greater depth of knowledge. At Eden Park High we strive to allow all students to reach their full potential and therefore we offer two examination courses which provide suitable routes for all students. Whether students wish to undertake a performance-based GCSE route or a more vocational CTEC route, both courses are filled with opportunities for students to develop their appreciation for PE while growing specialist understanding.
PE Curriculum 24/25
Values in PE
In PE we encourage students to show our values through.
Trust- The study of PE allows students to develop trust amongst themselves and an understanding of the impacts that their actions can have on others. Students are encouraged to take on leadership opportunities to develop their ability to share their ideas. Leadership is a key figure in allowing students to show their peers to trust them and have trust in others.
Endeavour- Students are encouraged to relish challenge and therefore effort and desire for excellence is celebrated throughout the PE journey. Our PE curriculum aims to develop student outcomes through actively participating in both lesson time and whole school.
Kindness- Students are taught to interact positively towards their peers and build team cohesion. Students are reminded of sporting values and behave in a way which shows respect and sportsmanship.
Head, Heart & Hands Assessment
In core PE lessons we assess students through using the Head, Heart and Hands assessment model.
- Head- Having the knowledge and understanding to improve performance
- Heart- Developing life skills to achieve
- Hands- Implementing physical skills to be successful.
Students are assessed through sets of success criteria relating to these skills which can be seen HERE
Kit Policy
Students are expected to be in full Orion Eden Park PE Kit.
- Black top
- Black shorts
- ¼ zip (optional)
- Tracksuit bottoms (optional)
- White or black sport socks
- Grip socks (for gymnastics and dance)
- Trainers or boots depending on the sport covered
No other kit will be accepted in PE lessons when your child has been given the kit.
Students are expected to bring in full PE kit to all lessons even if injured or unwell as students can participate to their full potential.
If students forget kit they will receive a uniform log and will be given spare kit to participate in lesson. Persistent no kit will lead to a removal log and a parent meeting will need to occur to ensure students participate in our subject.