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Eden Park High School


Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Contact US

Address Orion Eden Park, Balmoral Avenue, Beckenham, Kent BR3 3RD

0203 948 3864

General Enquiries 

Please email: enquiries@edenpark.orionedu.org.uk 

                          kbailey@eph.e21c.co.uk (PA to Head of School)



To report your child’s absence:

- Call: 0203 948 3864 and select Option 1Please call before 8.30am.


- Email: absence@edenparkhigh.info

Emergency line / Safeguarding and Welfare

If you need to get in touch in an emergency please call our dedicated Emergency Phone Line 0203 948 3864, extension number 8000.


This number is for emergencies/urgent matters only - i.e. safeguarding/medical/health and safety. For all other matters, please use the relevant email address.


If you are worried about the safety or welfare of a student, you can also email the Safeguarding Team on ephdsl@eph.e21c.co.uk

Pastoral teams (year groups)

If you have a query about your child’s education at OEP, please contact the Head of Year in the first instance. 



Please email: SEND@eph.e21c.co.uk


 Please email: medical@eph.e21c.co.uk


Please email: ephadmissions@eph.e21c.co.uk 

Lettings and facilities

Please email: eph.lettings@eph.e21c.co.uk


Please email: ephsrecruitment@eph.e21c.co.uk      

Media Please email: enquiries@e21c.co.uk
Please see additional contact details here: Orion-Eden-Park/About-Us/Who-We-Are/