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Eden Park High School

CPD at Home

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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The below are Free CPD courses to do online

Teaching and learning 

Flipped instruction with power point reader 

Personalised learning 

Take your teaching online 

Succeed with learning 

Teaching and learning tricky topics

Learning how to learn 

Using visualisation in maths teaching

Dance Skills 

Learning to teach: become a reflective practitioner

Understand language and learning

Learning to teach: An introduction into classroom research Learning to teach: Making sense of learning to teach

Secondary learning


Teaching secondary modern foreign languages

Teaching secondary mathematics 

Teaching secondary science


Teaching secondary music

Teaching secondary geography  

Learning and practice: Agency and identities 


Using film music in the classroom


School geography: exploring a definition


Geography in education: exploring a definition


Language as a medium for teaching and learning


Transform learning with Microsoft Teams 

Microsoft Teams course 1- All about teams 

Microsoft Teams course 2- Let’s share 

Microsoft Teams course 3- Working with students  

Microsoft Teams course 4- Assignments and feedback 

Microsoft Teams course 5- Notebook 

Childhood in the digital age 

Assistive technologies and online learning 

Teaching using digital videos on secondary schools


Assessment in secondary modern foreign languages 

Assessment in secondary mathematics 

Assessment in secondary science  

Assessment in secondary music 

Assessment in secondary geography

A global dimension to science education in schools

Why teach art?  


Understanding Dyslexia

What children’s perspectives tell us about inclusion 

Dyslexia Awareness Interactive instructional tools for inclusive classrooms


Keeping them safe: Sexual exploitation 

Introduction into safeguarding 

Keeping them safe 

Female Genital mutilation

Prevent training

Caring for vulnerable children

Please note you can also sign up to Bromley MeLearning University and complete a range of online courses around Child and Adult Safeguarding including safeguarding children with SEN, Domestic Violence etc. To access please click here and register (it may take up to 5 days to have your registration approved).  


Staff reading 

Looking globally: The future of education  

Teachers sharing resources online 

Thinking about how I work with other professionals 

Engaging with education research 

Exploring equality and equity in education 

What is language? An applied linguistic perspective 

Literacy, social justice and inclusive practice 

Developing good academic practice

Evaluating school classroom discussion 


Making sense of mental health problems

Making sense of ourselves

student development

Introduction to child Psychology  

Working with young people: roles and responsibilities  

Play, learning and the brain 

Involving the family in supporting pupils’ literacy learning


Leadership and followership 

Exploring sport coaching and psychology 

The interplay between leading and learning 

The ‘why’ and ‘what’ of educational leadership and management  

Exploring educational leadership  

Leadership and context  

Leadership: external context and culture

staff development

Learning to teach: Mentoring and tutoring student teachers 

support staff

School business manager: developing the role 

Encouraging book talk in the school library 


Professional relationships with young people

Teaching for good behaviour 

other forms of cpd:


Teacher toolkit

Cult of pedagogy

The talking teachers podcast