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Eden Park High School

Safeguarding and Wellbeing

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Orion Eden Park is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Enhanced DBS checks are carried out on all staff and visitors commit to following our safeguarding practices on entry to the building before being closely supervised whilst on site. 

We have a culture and climate of students speaking openly and honestly about concerns they have, how they are feeling and any worries they may have. We offer support for students through our pastoral support systems of tutors, heads of year and our wider safeguarding team so that every student has an adult they feel confident approaching whilst at school. 

All of our staff receive regular training on keeping students safe and we have a rigorous system whereby staff can also report concerns on the well-being and welfare of students. Opportunities are provided through the curriculum, pastoral and enrichment activities for all students to develop their knowledge of how to keep themselves and their friends safe from abuse and harm. 

Please click here to read our Safeguarding and Visitor Guide.

If you are worried about the safety or welfare of a student, please contact the Safeguarding Team on ephdsl@eph.e21c.co.uk

EPH Safeguarding Team: 

Ms L Moriarty - Director of Safeguarding/ Designated Safeguarding Lead / DSL

Ms Z Shenton - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead / DDSL

Mrs A Patrice-Herve - Deputy Head of Year 7 / DDSL

Mr K Lupata - Deputy Head of Year 8 / DDSL

Mr J Moore - Deputy Head of Year 9 / DDSL

Ms E Daniels - Deputy Head of Year 11 / DDSL


The nominated local advisory board governor responsible for safeguarding and child protection is Yusuf Solley, who can be contacted via email on ysolley@eph.e21c.co.uk

If you believe a child is in immediate danger you should call;

  • POLICE -  999 
  • CHILDLINE – 08001111
  • NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

Contacting our School Nurse

We have a school nurse that comes in to see our students once a week.  If you think your child could benefit from an appointment, please contact our Medical Administrator Mrs Burr at aburr@eph.e21c.co.uk, in the first instance.

School nurse drop in 

School nurse drop in

Contacting Social Care

We work with a variety of external agencies to ensure that students experience the best level of support – both in and out of school – when they might need it the most. When the need arises, our Safeguarding Team will contact one of the agencies below. In cases of emergency where the Safeguarding Team are not available, staff can also contact the appropriate agency.  

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)



Call children’s services (Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm): 020 8461 7373 / 7379

Out of hours/weekends/public holidays: 0300 303 8671


mash@croydon.gov.uk 0208 726 6400

During office hours, Monday to Friday, 9pm to 5pm: call the MASH on 0208 255 2888. The referral, if appropriate, will be accepted over the telephone and you will need to follow this up by completing the online referral form within 24 hours.

Out Of Hours: call our Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0208 726 6400. The call operator will take your details and pass the message on to the EDT social worker to respond. This may not be immediate, depending on their workload.

Lambeth helpandprotection@lambeth.gov.uk 020 7926 3100

MASHagency@lewisham.gov.uk 02083149181

During office hours, Monday to Friday, 9pm to 5pm: call the MASH on 0208 314 6660

`Out Of Hours: call our Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0208 314 6000

Southwark mash@southwark.gov.uk or 020 7525 1921 / 020 7525 5000

The duty social worker will be contacted if the Designated Safeguarding Lead is unsure about whether or not a referral should be made.

All referrals should be submitted using the appropriate referral forms.

In cases of serious and urgent concerns about a student’s welfare the referral can be made over the telephone and followed up in writing within 72 hours.

Partner agencies

Bromley Changes Young People's Drug and Alcohol Services

Bromley Children Project – London Borough of Bromley

Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership

Bromley Y

METRO Zest | LGBTQ+ Support

Young Minds

Mental health support team

Orion Eden Park works in partnership with Bromley Y with the mental health support team, with students and parents being offered a range of support including webinars,  support calls and individual sessions.  Please see below for future dates that may be of interest to you. Bromley Y What is the offer?Bromley Y- Parent Webinar Dates - Summer 2024.pdfBromley Y Young Person Webinar Dates- Summer 2024

South London CAMHS Crisis Line

Dealing with Bereavement with children

Candle Child Bereavement Service

Online support and self help

For young people in times of crisis

If a young person is in crisis outside of school, please see helpful links below for available support







Please see leaflets with helpful information to support those that self-harm

Coping with self-harm 

Kooth: A handy guide for parents and carersMental Health: Coping strategies for self-harm

Prevention of Young Suicide: Self-harm and Suicide

Prevention of Young Suicide: Distraction Techniques

Worried about your mental health