Governing Body
What does the LOCAL ADVISORY Body do?
The Local Advisory Body (LAB) is part of Orion Education Trust’s overall governance arrangements, with specific focus at a local school level. The Local Advisory Body works as a team and is at the heart of how the school operates.
It is responsible for monitoring that the school provides a good quality education and is continually raising educational standards. The Local Advisory Body also encourages and supports effective ways of teaching and learning when reviewing the school aims and policies. This is done together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.
In addition to the LOCAL ADVISORY Body’s main role of helping raise pupils’ standards of achievement, we also:
- support the school in its strategic direction
- are accountable for monitoring the performance of the school to parents and the wider community
- monitor that a balanced and broad curriculum is taught
- review how the school can encourage pupils’ spiritual, moral, and cultural development
- monitor that the school is inclusive and provides for all pupils including those with special needs
- oversee the implementation of policies on a wide range of school issues and monitor their effectiveness
- support and constructively challenging senior management by gathering views, asking questions, looking at comparable data and discussing what’s best for the school
Who is the Governing Body?
The current Local Advisory Body is made up as follows:
Name | Position / type of Governor | Link responsibilities | Term of Office Start | Term of Office End |
Yusuf Solley |
Chair of LAB |
Pupil Premium |
30/07/2022 (06/07/2023 as Chair) |
31/07/2025 |
James Fisher | Executive Principal | 27/08/2024 | - | |
Anthony Meirion Lewis | Co-opted | 14/12/2023 | 13/12/2026 | |
Shanice Simpson | Co-opted |
Safeguarding Medical Needs |
01/08/2022 |
31/07/2025 |
Aimee Hardy | Co-opted | SEND | 14/12/2023 | 13/12/2026 |
Michael McDermott | Co-opted |
Teaching & Learning Curriculum & Data |
20/03/2024 |
19/03/2027 |
Diane Berry | Co-opted | 03/10/2024 | 02/10/2027 | |
To be appointed | Staff Governor | |||
Gareth Denton | Parent Governor |
Attendance Behaviour EDI |
Derrick Sanyahumbi | Parent Governor |
At Orion Eden Park, the Local Advisory Body fulfils these roles through four meetings per year, covering:
- Safeguarding
- Quality of Education
- School Improvement
- Behaviour and Culture
- Curriculum
- Stakeholder engagement
- Staffing
- Building & Sites
The Local Advisory Body also holds two additional meetings with specific focus on teaching and learning, culture, and ethos. The Local Advisory Body reviews the school’s priorities and strategies for the year ahead and reviews the previous year to monitor the school’s overall performance.
There are also numerous ad-hoc meetings of other groups, working parties as required and specific panels for various procedural reasons.
Key Governance Documents
Orion Education Scheme of Delegation 2024-25
download_for_offlineOrion Education Scheme of Delegation 2024-25
Please click here for the Local Advisory Body meeting attendance.
Please click here for the Local Advisory Body School Register of Business Interests.
how To contact the local advisory board;
Yusuf Solley
Chair of Local Advisory Board
Orion Eden Park
Balmoral Avenue